Monday, July 29, 2019


Just last evening, I was sharing a MOM-MEMORY and LIFE LESSON with my GIRL (and CLOVER!!!'s Nanny) NICHOLE, about when my mother was dying (we knew she was terminal for 2.5 yrs). 

MOM and I were extremely close - BEST FRIEND - UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and RESPECT........ I had always been a serious "WORRIER" and was asking her how I was ever going to survive her death..... She told me to "LIVE IN THE NOW" - to forget about the past because it can't be changed and don't worry about the future because it most likely will be different from what I imagine anyway. Simply "LIVE IN THE NOW". A very ZEN approach to life.

She also told me to PAY ATTENTION and that she didn't know how now, but she WOULD find a way to COMMUNICATE with me from BEYOND.

This conversation (and others) helped to get me through the worst of my grief. I think of this particular LESSON regularly and continually appreciate her WISDOM and PHILOSOPHY!

So, how about this for a "COINCIDENCE"??!! This morning (just hours after talking with NICHOLE about this) my daily message from NEALE DONALD WALSCH arrived in my email box and it reads as follows:

  • "Everything is perfect Right Here, Right Now and Right Here Right Now is all there is. Forget about the past. It does not exist except in your memory. Drop it. And stop worrying about how you're going to get through tomorrow. Life is going on Right Here, Right Now --- pay attention to that and all will be well. Embrace the present moment with gratefulness and wonder, and you will turn it into whatever you have been waiting for."

This confirms to me (once again) that GOD, THE UNIVERSE, ANGELS and "AFTER-LIFE" SOULS all exist and continue to communicate HIGHER LEARNING to us..... as long as we remain ALERT and RECEPTIVE to it all.

We are BLESSED to receive these remarkable MESSAGES

So much to LEARN in so little TIME......... 

..... yet so MUCH to be GRATEFUL for!!



  1. So beautiful and so very true, dear Joan. Thank you for all of the priceless life lessons you share. Love you so. Monica

    1. Oh Monica....... I know that you understand these things. Thank YOU for being such a loving member of a family whose individuals I hold close to my heart. I love you too! xo
