Tuesday, March 24, 2020


I'm an EXTREMELY POSITIVE person. It's unusual for me to ever feel "down" but yesterday was one of those days....... this PANDEMIC is the root of it of course. The UNCERTAINTY is highly disturbing and makes it difficult to remain HOPEFUL

Ok, it might have started when I looked at my retirement funds...... the LOSS! 

Which started me thinking about what I'll need to change in my LIFESTYLE....

Then I thought about all of the people who aren't RETIRED - who still need to WORK to feed themselves and their families. What must each of them be going through? And what are the small business owners feeling right now? And what about young college graduates and their UNCERTAIN futures? In all situations, life right now feels FRAGILE and SCARY. My heart felt even heavier...... 

Ok, you get the idea....... 

Today, I woke up on the right side of the bed. I started to clean out another cabinet and then CLOVER!!! and I drove to a friend's house to put a book in her mailbox. Then we drove to another friend's house to put a book in HER mailbox. Then we drove home. 

And I continue to try to share HUMOR for my friends on FACEBOOK, such as the slide above and below.

All we can each do right now, is PUT ONE FOOT IN FRONT OF THE OTHER, stay in touch with LOVED ONES, STAY BUSY and resolve to BELIEVE that THIS TOO WILL PASS.

Stay FOCUSED on what you personally can do to be part of the SOLUTION and not part of the problem. And by being part of the SOLUTION, I don't mean you have to find the CURE (BRAVO! for you, if you do!!), but you sure can reach out to others who are feeling down and do what you can to HELP lift them up.  We are all in this TOGETHER and we can all make it through this TOGETHER.

"How do you eat an elephant?"
"One bite at a time."




  1. Yes, this shall pass and all will be fine! Don't worry about the market,it is going to bounce back maybe even bigger and better than it has been. Keep that positive outlook! Just looking at CLOVER brightens your day!!!!!!!!

    1. Thank you so much. I wish you had signed your name, so I'd know who to personally thank. xo
