Tuesday, August 5, 2014


So, at age 62, I've decided to start a blog....... wondering as I embark on this new past-time if perhaps this is something that should be left to the creative, younger generation......  
Oh what the heck, I'm still young (at heart), I have plenty to say and lots to share and have high hopes of making someone smile, forget his/her worries or decide to think more positively about something.

Challenged to decide what I'm going to blog about, I've decided not to be tied down to one topic.  I've always been all about "freedom", so I will randomly switch topics from day to day (if not from sentence to sentence).  
  • I love to travel, so I'll write about my adventures (ok, "adventure" might be too strong a word).  
  • Taking photos has always been second nature to me.  
    • It thrills me to see a perfect composition and then capture the image with a "point and shoot" camera.  Thank You Digital and Thank You iPhone camera!!  
    • My college degree was in Art Education, but I never really developed great personal skills for "creating art".  Instead I "appreciated art" and had the talent to help develop the artistic skills of gifted young people.  
    • Photography has been wonderful for me, because I can "see" the art already in nature and daily life - all I need to do is keep my hands steady, take the photo and Voila - Art!
  • Reading has become a passion, not only for the anticipation and joy of the unfolding story, but even more so, for the excitement and reward of sharing thoughts about the story with others (thus my membership in 3 book clubs).  And when those thoughts and opinions become longer, intellectual discussions, with challenging and sometimes opposing opinions, I am energized and fulfilled.
  • "Thoughts for the Day" are a fun past-time of mine.  Yes, I'll share regularly.
  • Thinking positively - creating one's own reality - changing one's present and future attitude to attract positive energy from outside sources - get the picture?
  • Humor - a good chuckle now and then seems worthwhile to share with others, right?
  • Did I mention that I feel that my true calling is "bringing people together"?  
    • Through a fun social event
    • A group trip
    • By playing "Cupid" on occasion
    • Working on a "project" together for a common good (often a local charity). I get a kick out of encouraging the participation of several individuals, working as a team and challenging each for his/her highest good and offering the opportunity to try something new or beyond his/her confidence.
It was a good day today.  Well, it's always a good day......  I'm one of those annoying people who wakes in the morning, over-excited to greet the day.  I might wait a few moments before rolling out of bed, but I'm grateful to look out my window at the trees and the sky and I truly embrace that there is a full day ahead of me to enjoy, doing "whatever". 

As I begin this blog journey, I think back to a photo I took in Paris in 2009 of a sculpture of a man emerging from a stone wall (I LOVE realistic sculpture!).  This is exactly what it feels like for me today as I begin this blog - this new sharing experience - in a world of ever increasing transparency.........

Stay tuned......... 


  1. Hi Joan!
    Wow. I'm really thrilled to be the first comment on your brand new blog! Can't wait to see what you come up with over the coming months. Welcome to blogging! (Your blog looks ACE, by the way!)

    1. Awwww..... Pip!! THANK YOU!!
      BTW, I compressed the photo and hope that fixes the slow loading.
      Can the whole world see this now or must I "invite"?

    2. Anyone that knows about your blog can see it! :) COOL!

  2. Go Joan! I love your attitude to life & I agree with Pip, the blog looks awesome!

    1. Thanks for taking the time. I really appreciate your "pat on the back". Life is good.

  3. Yay, your blog is up and running! It does look great, I'll be popping back to see what happens over here. You must be feeling thrilled.

  4. Wow Joan!! It looks fantastic! Great first post and I will follow closely. Well done x


  5. Such a wonderful beginning! I'll look forward to each and every post! You are the perfect blogger, Joan!

  6. Good for you Joan. I can relate to your experiences and learn from your positive attitude. I too love seeing art around me and try to capture it on my camera. Marjie

    1. Marjie - you are wonderful photographer. I can only hope that the photos I share will inspire others as yours have me. I have a feeling I might post more photos than most will be interested in, but I'm counting on you to keep me encouraged. : )

  7. Imagine the pictures if we traveled together !!!

    1. Marjie - be careful what you wish for...... I have something up my sleeve!! : )

  8. Replies
    1. Marjie - LOL - gonna keep you guessing for a little while....... in the "planning" stages at the moment, but "stay tuned"........ ;)

  9. Joan your blog header is divine! And also I'm slightly thrilled to be here to watch this blog evolve right from the very beginning! I really look forward to connecting with you more in the future! x

    1. Thanks so much!! It seems as if it will be fun to "share". Time will tell if I can entertain an audience properly. :)

    2. BTW, I tried to subscribe to your blog but it says it isn't set up. Does this mean you prefer people not to be notified by email when you post something? Just curious about your thoughts about that.

  10. Congratulations! You will be great at this! XO

  11. Hey Joan, Congrats you are my muse. I'm so glad to see this blog keep up the good work. AJ

    1. AJ, my Girl!! How are you?!! Thanks for checking this out. I hope you "subscribed" for future posts...... When am I going to get an email update from you and your ever-changing "love life"?! tee hee

  12. Congratulations on starting a blog! I'm sure you'll love it and your posts will be rewarding for us all to read! Most of all, have fun with it. Xx

    1. Kate - THANK YOU!! I'm sure to have fun, right? I really want to "subscribe to your blog" - did you add that "gadget" yet? xo
