Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Every year......  WINTER DRY SKIN DRIVES ME CRAZY - particularly on my legs and feet. BUT, I think I've finally found a solution!! 

I had a facial recently. My sister has them regularly - ME? - only once every few years - I'm not one to fuss about such things. During the facial this gal told me I have dry skin. (Like you really need to know all of this.......  HA!)

"THE LIGHT WENT ON" when she told me that moisturizer isn't absorbed by the dry, dead skin on the top layer - that's why it's important to scrub it off and then apply oil to the skin. Hmmm........ 

So, around this same time I read an article in one of my many magazines about some products made with Honey by an entrepreneur who is an artist and also a Beekeeper! And she lives nearby in Maryland, so I was even more intrigued.

One look at her beautiful website and I immediately ordered her HONEY BODY SCRUB, deliciously scented with MY FAVORITE - LAVENDER!! 

Photograph by

Obviously, the scrub takes away the dead skin and the lavender scented oil stays on the skin. I'm really loving it. My original order was the BODY SCRUB AND the BODY BUTTER package...... 

Photograph by

I have since also purchased the "PEACE OF MIND LOOFAH BAR SOAP"- a loofah is embedded in the soap and the soap has LAVENDER essential oils in it. Never used a loofah before....

Photograph by

If you prefer the scent of CINNAMON and CLOVE, order her "STRENGTH" products - also lovely!

Oh and she indeed sells HONEY!!  I guess a professional Beekeeper would sell Honey, right?

You can click on the highlighted items above for direct links to her Body Scrub and Loofah Soap or visit her website to browse all of her products -

Will you let me know if you try any and how you like them??

PS  To my dear friend, Elizabeth and others who are allergic to bees, please DON'T use any of the products with BEE VENOM, ok??


  1. At my age; I don't worry about dry skin except on my face and hands. My skin regularly peels on my fingers. My face is and has been wrinkled for some time. I just use a moisturizer. The generations coming after me have better products to take care of their skin, which we didn't in my youth (ie baby oil & iodine while at the pool)

    1. Yes, Libby, I too used baby oil and iodine - but isn't baby oil good for your skin?? : )

  2. These sound divine! I love lavender too and honey. Yum!

    1. I've already re-ordered and yes, the lavender scented scrub IS divine. Plenty more products I have yet to try too.

  3. I suffer from dry skin in winter too. These products look divine and beautifully packaged. I wonder if they send to Australia? Will have to go research now.

    1. Hi Deb,
      I emailed Kara and asked if she'd ship to Australia but she said not yet..... her credit card company won't allow it and the shipping cost is very high and there's paperwork. Who knew? So sorry to tempt you and then take it away. Perhaps make a note on your calendar for next year and check with her again? Things can change - I can only hope. I think the secret is the oil. But what do I know - just a gut feeling.
