Sunday, March 1, 2015


DARN IT.  I was really looking forward to a well-written, suspenseful STEPHEN KING book, but this one left me flat - kinda like when I tried to read his book "INSOMNIA" but kept falling asleep reading it. LOL. I just don't like when he gets "creepy". Suspenseful - YES, but I'm not a fan of "creepy" - like giant bugs with hairy legs - I'm just not into it.

But we all know that STEPHEN KING sure can put a sentence together - he's a Master. He has a way of saying things in a way that you wish you had thought of saying. Here are a few that caught my attention:

Page 36
"I'd like to have a bikini," Claire remarked.  It was, I suppose, the sort of provocation girls of seventeen specialize in.

Page 81
"I'll never see you again."
"Never say that, Jamie. Paths cross all the time in this world of ours, sometimes in the strangest places." He took his handkerchief from his back pocket and wiped the tears from my face. "In any case, I'll remember you. And I hope you'll think of me from time to time".
"I will." Then remembering; "You betchum bobcats."

Page 83
"Renault's a fine doctor. Conscientious. He turned up here Johnny-on-the-spot when Morrie had the measles and again when Patsy had.... well, a female problem. Took care of both like a pro. But he doesn't have that air of confidence the best GPs have. That way of saying 'Bosh, this is nothing, you'll be fine in no time.'"
"He did say that!"
"Yes, but Conrad wasn't convinced because Renault isn't convincing. He's able to treat the body, but the mind? Not so much. And the mind is where half the healing takes place. Maybe more. Con thought, 'He's lying now so I can get used to having no voice. Later on he'll tell me the truth.' That's just the way your brother's built, Jamie. He lives on his nerve endings, and when people do that, their minds can turn against them."

Page 83
"Never be angry with him for that," Jacobs said. "Frightened people live in their own special hell. You could say they make it themselves - like Con manufactured his muteness - but they can't help it. It's the way they're built. They deserve sympathy and compassion."

Page 87
"He set me on my feet, kissed me on the forehead, then opened the driver's door.  "This caa ain't much, chummy," he said, putting on a Yankee accent that made me smile in spite of how bad I felt. "Still, I reckon it'll get me down the road apiece."

Page 96
But talent is a spooky thing, and has a way of announcing itself quietly but firmly when the right time comes. Like certain  addictive drugs, it comes as a friend long before you realize it's a tyrant.

Page 129
Books are good, and I read my share, and TV's okay if you're stuck in a motel room during a rainstorm, but for Jamie Morton, there was nothing like a movie up there on the big screen. Just me, my popcorn, and my super-sized Coke.



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