Saturday, July 1, 2017


I've been watching a show on the HISTORY CHANNEL called "ANCIENT ALIENS: DECLASSIFIED" - exploring the history of ANCIENT ASTRONAUTS (ANCIENT ALIENS) and UFO SIGHTINGS - not only in the UNITED STATES, but all over the WORLD

I HIGHLY recommend this program if you have an interest in such things.

Last week they spoke about THE ROSWELL UFO INCIDENT in NEW MEXICO and also the "RUSSIAN ROSWELL INCIDENT". Who knew there were also a number of SIGHTINGS and UFO CRASHES in RUSSIA?

This week they are focusing on the FOUNDING FATHERS OF THE UNITED STATES, many of whom were FREEMASONS - A SECRET SOCIETY founded on a combination of SCIENTIFIC and SPIRITUAL BELIEFS

So, curiosity led me to look up information on FREEMASONS and how I could become a MEMBER, only to find out it's a MEN ONLY GROUP. But there ISCO-FREEMASON organization that allows women. More research on my horizon......

GEORGE WASHINGTON and THOMAS JEFFERSON worked on the planning of the city of WASHINGTON, DC. This show pointed out a number of interesting facts to substantiate that the city's design incorporated many FREEMASON symbols. 

Some believe that WASHINGTON and JEFFERSON also designed the city's roads to be built in a STAR SHAPE, in the very center of the 10 mile square city, so that EXTRATERRESTRIALS might see it and know that THIS (Washington, DC) is the capital of the WORLD".

One fact that caught my attention is that the WASHINGTON MONUMENT is the largest OBELISK in the world. Situated next to a reflecting pool, the MONUMENT points UP to the STARS (PARTICULAR STARS I might add.......) and then DOWN thru the EARTH in the reflection.

GEORGE WASHINGTON believed in EXTRATERRESTRIALS and actually had a few "VISIONS" in 1777 while in VALLEY FORGE, PA - only a few miles from where I grew up. 

I digress...... 

Yes, Yes, Yes....... BACK to my PERSONAL UFO sighting........

I was in my first year of college in AUBURN UNIVERSITY in ALABAMA. My best friend in high school, PATTY came to visit me in JANUARY 1971. We were riding along a back country road with my friend JEFF, in his VOLKSWAGEN BUG. I was in the back seat, leaning my head back and looking up at the sky. To the left of us was open field with a line of trees at the edge. Along the top of the treeline there was a big bright light hovering above the trees, moving quite slowly (at the same speed as our car), so it could NOT be an airplane. I finally yelled, "STOP THE CAR - I SEE A UFO!!" 

We JUMPED out of the car and saw the bright light above the trees, but it stopped, changed direction and shot off away from us at an incredible speed and disappeared. 


I diligently watched the skies over the next few years, recounting my experience to friends, but no one else had seen one at that time. Sightings WERE being reported all over the United States. 

So, tell me - have YOU ever seen a UFO (or an EXTRATERRESTRIAL)??



  1. Have never seen one, but I do think they exist somewhere in another galaxy. I did know about GW & TJ being Freemasons.
