Friday, July 17, 2015


Some of you might remember when I found WILLOW in January 2011. Well actually SAGE and I both found her.  SAGE was a tad "dog aggressive" so I took her along to the breeder to see if she reacted well to any of the puppies. She had NO interest whatsoever in ANY of the puppies brought in to meet her.

Just before I "called it a day" I was invited to see the rest of the 3 litters of puppies downstairs. I knew I didn't want a pup from the first litter because the mother had a very masculine face. The second litter - the same thing. The third litter I had no idea because the mother was outside.  BUT the owner of the father was there and showed me a photo and he was beautiful. We all walked out to see the mother in her run - she was a long haired Shepherd, which I wasn't sure I wanted.  But she WAS on the smaller side and had a pretty, feminine face.

We walked back in to the puppies and they were all clamoring to the front to be picked up. All of a sudden, one puppy toward the back sat back abruptly, looked up at me directly and I literally heard in my head "PICK ME!!". I asked if it was a female. The breeder picked her up, said "YES" and took her upstairs to meet SAGE (on the off chance that something might click). SAGE licked her and licked her and wouldn't leave her alone. It was a match made in HEAVEN for all of us.

I mean look at that sweet little face!!  How could you not fall in love immediately?

SAGE did her job well as a big sister and taught WILLOW to be sweet, obedient and loving.  They were perfect together - I got the biggest kick out of watching them play and interact.

And WILLOW grew into the most beautiful dog I've ever had.......

And smart?!  She climbed right up over the ottoman one night during BOOK CLUB at my house as if she was supposed to be an active participant.  We were all shocked, to say the least.

I'm still stunned and completely heart broken that she's gone. Only 4.5 years old, WILLOW had just gotten to the age where she was still a little bit "puppy" but finally mature enough to be settled most of the time and ride in the car like a "grownup", if you know what I mean......  She LOVED the car! And unlike most of my Shepherds, she preferred the windows up and air conditioning on. Perhaps because she was born in the Winter - with snow and cold.

She really loved the snow. In fact, I think she would know when it was coming and would actually start to show excitement. Or was that me?

WILLOW LOVED the SNOW and also her FRISBEE!!

WILLOW listened intently to what I would say to her.  And you know, I really think she understood most of the time.  I LOVED that tilt of her head!!

Some of you will want to know what happened to take her so young.  You can read my PS if you're interested.  

I KNOW I need another Shepherd to share my life with and have begun to reach out to friends and breeders to identify my next companion. I trust that WILLOW and my other 5 GIRLS before her are working on a plan for me as I type........


PS  What happened?? Basically on June 16th, the day I got home from Europe, I noticed WILLOW squinting her left eye just a tiny bit. Over the next 3 weeks we were at her Allergist, her Primary Vet and an Ophthalmologist and starting to see some improvement. However, on Friday night of July 4th weekend, she suddenly became blind in both eyes. I was panicked and took her to the VET ER. They did test after test over the weekend and merely speculated what the problem could be. 

On Monday, when the regular staff was back in, their Ophthalmologist took one look and said she thought it was cancer - confirmed by the Internist who saw lesions on her spleen and blood clots in her artery leading to her kidneys.  She hadn't eaten in several days, her kidneys were shutting down despite the IV fluids and she was blind.  

We said goodbye on Monday afternoon, July 6th (coincidentally, the same day we said Goodbye to our father 15 years ago) and I came home to a VERY quiet house. It's the first time in 30 years that I haven't come home to at least one dog in the house. It's been quite a challenge to get used to the stillness.  But I do have a feeling there won't be silence for long.........


  1. Had to select a profile so anonymous worked! It's Lois! Oh, how MUCH I can empathize, Joan. I SO UNDERSTAND what you are going thru. When Taffy was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney failure after just turning 6, at the end of March 2013, I was totally devastated. It was chronic kidney failure. Despite all MAJOR efforts, from holistic treatments to meds to syringe feeding and IV fluids, she was gone the first of May. If I hadn't had the quick fortune and knowledge the night after about my new sweetheart, then only 4 wks old, I don't know what I would have done. It was strange to grieve and yet begin get ready for Miss Em. I still to this day have grieving moments over Taffy. It is THE HARDEST when they die young. SELECT carefully, from a REALLY good breeder who is MORE interested in HEALTH, thus their line will be good. On the swing side, there is ALWAYS rescue. It takes TIME, TIME, TIME! Stay busy! Eat your favorite foods (no binging!), take a short trip, etc. Prayers and hugs! L & L, Lois

    1. Lois,
      Thank you for reading my Blog. Maybe you'll sign up to have it emailed to you when I post something so you don't have to check back? In future comments, just be sure to let me know it's you, like you did this time, as "Anonymous" is selected by so many.

      2013 is so recent that of course you would still feel that pain of loss. We never lose the love we have tho do we? I'm so fortunate to have shared a wonderful 4.5 years with Willow. What a gift. I'm glad that Miss Em was there ready and waiting for you - it's in a master plan, don't you think? My grand-niece has been here all week and tomorrow friends are bringing their 9 yr old black lab for me to dog sit for a week. I'm staying busy for sure. xoxo

  2. I know your time with her was way too short, but oh my. What a great life you gave her! Willow and Sage are romping around together now. We send you our love! ~ Carla and Dave

    1. Actually, what a life WILLOW gave ME!! All 6 of my Girls are romping and scheming and planning my next "Shepherd soul connection"....... it's in the works for sure.

      Thank you Carla and Dave. xoxo

  3. Oh, Joan. So sorry. Devastating. You're in my thoughts.

  4. That's a beautiful story, Joan. She must have been a very special pup. I always liked seeing a dog tilt the head in that comical, inquisitive manner :-)

    1. She WAS a special pup. But then again, all of my Girls have been very special to me. Willow was my biggest head-tilter of all. Back and forth, back and forth as I would speak to her. I truly think she was on the brink of being bi-lingual.

  5. Joan, You and Willow were meant to be; that's evident from the way you found each other. Maybe the same will happen when you find your new girl. Have you spoken to Willow's breeder? I'm looking for you although I'm not that familiar with GSDs, my expertise is with setters now. Willow and the rest of your pack together with all those who have crossed the bridge (including all of mine) will let you find the right girl. Libby

    1. Yes, I believe we WERE meant to be Libby. And I'm confident that my next pup is days or moments away from joining me. I have a GREAT team of Angels (including yours) looking out for me at all times. xo

  6. Joan - what a wonderful tribute to Willow. She was an adorable puppy and a beautiful young lady. The pictures of her and Sage are precious!

    1. Thank you Alisa. Coming from a cat person, I'm pleased that you can see Willow's beauty. If I weren't allergic to cats, I'd have one or two or three along with the dog. A long time ago, a kitten adopted me - arrived at my back door and wouldn't leave. So, in she comes to live with my giant 85 pound first German Shepherd, Nikki and me They were best of friends. I named her "FEARLESS". Nikki would gently take her whole head in her mouth, massage a bit and let go. Fearless encouraged it. Fun memories.

  7. A lovely tribute - clearly Willow was a very clever and loving dog. So sorry to hear of her loss, but so wonderful to hear of the joy she gave you! Cheers, Helen K

    1. Oh the JOY!! We had such a great connection and every day was a happy one together. Thanks Helen.

  8. Aw, what a sweet story. I love all the pictures you took of her. It is clear you cherished her and she was really part of your family. I am sorry she had to go so young (my grandfather used to lament that that was the problem with pets--their lives are far too short). Looking forward to hearing the good news about your next pup. take care.

    1. Stephanie, thank you sincerely for taking the time to post a comment about my tribute to Precious Willow. I miss her every day. Your grandfather was a wise man........

      My next Blog post will be about my new puppy CLOVER!!
