Tuesday, March 7, 2017


When my high school friend, LAURIE WHITMAN, suggested a day trip to the NATIONAL CENTRE FOR PADRE PIO in BARTO, PA (north of Pottstown), I immediately agreed. JOYCE and her mom, BETTY also joined us. 

And CLOVER!!! guarded the car.......

I'm not Catholic and only learned about PADRE PIO, his SAINTHOOD, his MIRACLES and his STIGMATA when we visited the PADRE PIO PILGRAMAGE CHURCH in SAN GIOVANNI ROTUNDO, ITALY this past October. 

THAT place was quite impressive. We even saw PADRE PIO himself, laid out in his crypt - a special room with GOLD everything. Someone remarked that he might not be so happy with these surroundings, because he lived such a simple life as a monk.

THE NATIONAL CENTRE OF PADRE PIO here in PA is on a large piece of land that was blessed for this purpose in 1998. The buildings look very impressive as you drive up, but I was a tiny bit disappointed by the inside of the Church. Naturally it wouldn't be adorned like a modern church in Italy, but the walls here are plain, light in color and not much to look at. Because it was built and is sustained by donations and volunteers, perhaps they were limited in what they could do. 

A "gift" of an extensive DIORAMA is displayed in the back corner of the church. 

A beautiful POPE JOHN PAUL II STATUE stands next to it. 

A lovely embroidered dress on THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY ("MARIA" in Italian) is displayed in the opposite corner.

The photos of PADRE PIO that hang on the entry walls are wonderful. I particularly LOVED the STAINED GLASS STORY that started with his STIGMATA that occurred in 1918 (the 5 wounds of CHRIST that PADRE PIO bore for 50 years). He was the first stigmatized priest in the history of the Catholic Church. Remarkably, all signs of the STIGMATA disappeared shortly before his death........ 

The intimate CHAPEL inside this church was fashioned after the original FRIARY CHURCH where PADRE PIO received his STIGMATA. He was only 15 when he joined the CAPUCHIN FRIARS

I was impressed with the CONFESSIONAL on display (behind bars) that he had once used (note the photo of it in use on the right).

Leaving the church we passed several statues outside on our way to the MUSEUM and GIFT SHOP. This statue is of PADRE PIO and the CALANDRAS (with their daughter VERA MARIE) who founded the CENTER.  

VERA MARIE, the CALANDRA's 5th daughter, was born with severe urinary tract defects. She was operated on several times at CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL in PHILA and her bladder was eventually removed. The family was told that the girl could not survive in this condition. 

It was 1968 when they telegrammed PADRE PIO asking for a miracle. He suggested they bring the 2-year-old child to him right away. So Mom, VERA MARIE and her 5-month-old baby sister traveled together to ITALY. PADRE PIO blessed both children by laying his hands on their heads. Mom silently vowed that if her baby girl were to live, the whole world would know about PADRE PIO

When they returned back home to NORRISTOWN, PA, VERA MARIE's bladder had miraculously begun to re-grow. From what I could find, as of 2014, she was still alive and healthy. PADRE PIO died several months after their visit in 1968.

I LOVED the MUSEUM. This is the entrance, but photos were not allowed inside. 

It was small, but beautifully displayed were life-sized replicas of both the house where he lived as a young child and the room where he lived for many years while a monk. The main museum room was lined with photos, sayings and informational panels. It's a very manageable museum and we all learned something we didn't know before.

We were offered the opportunity to write a request for a miracle. I don't think I'd ever ask for a miracle for myself, because I don't believe in messing with what my JOURNEY is supposed to be. But I was encouraged today to ask for a miracle for someone else. So I did. I have a friend battling lung cancer. I asked that if it doesn't mess with GOD'S PLAN FOR HER JOURNEY, I would encourage intervention for the sake of her husband and teenage son....... 

In closing - an impressive sculpture of ARCHANGEL MICHAEL near the entrance to the MUSEUM.  I love realistic sculpture.........

What an interesting visit to BARTO, PA.  Who knew??



  1. I hope your miracle is granted! I love all the mystery and ritual of the Catholic Church.

    1. Bronwyn,
      What a nice thing to say. Yes, mystery and ritual are good.
