Friday, April 17, 2015


When I was getting dressed yesterday morning, I found a dime on the floor in my walk-in closet. I immediately took it as a "Hello" from my Mom. I never have my wallet upstairs, so it didn't drop from there....... 

You see, I had a medical test completed yesterday and I suspect that finding that dime is Mom letting me know that "It's going to be ok" OR if it's not ok, she's letting me know that she's here with me. In either case, 16 years after her death, it continues to comfort me to know that she's still with me.

My Mom died in 1999 from breast cancer that metastasized to her liver, but we knew she was terminal for 2.5 years before she died. This gave our family some time for meaningful, open discussions and sharing our love for each other.  

Mom and I discussed Heaven, the Afterlife, communicating after she's gone etc. I was in her condo living room in Florida one evening when she said to me "I have no idea how I'm going to communicate with you, because I have no idea what can be done after death, but PAY ATTENTION, because I WILL communicate with you."

I didn't realize it at that time, but right after she died I found out that my sisters both had had a casual conversation with Mom.  One asked her to leave "Pennies from Heaven".  The other asked for nickels, and Mom said to her, "I'll do better than that..... I'll leave you quarters!"

About two weeks after Mom died, I was returning a video to Blockbuster (remember the old Blockbuster movie rentals???). When I opened the car door to get out, I saw a dime on the ground. I smiled and picked it up. When I closed the car door, I then saw a penny on the ground. I picked it up. I took only a few steps to the curb, where there was a quarter. I picked it up AND I took this experience as a "SIGN" that when I find DIMES, it's a message from Mom.

MANY, MANY times over the past 16 years I've found dimes JUST when I've needed to. Most of the time I take it as a simple "Hello", but within a few hours it becomes clear to me what message was attached. And since my whole family tends to look at things in a positive way, I continue to regard these "Messages" as positive ones.  

For example, I went for a mammogram one time and when I got out of the car, there was a dime on the ground. I took that as (and actually heard in my head) "Everything is going to be ok."  And it was.

And in case you are still doubting about all of this, here is one more little example that might be more convincing - 

Last year, on June 17th, I was getting a routine blood test. At the registration desk I retrieved my driver's license and insurance card from my wallet and a single dime just flipped into the air from my purse and onto my lap. I immediately took it as a "Hello"....... But when I got back home and realized the date, I knew it was more than a "Hello", because you see, the date that Mom died was June 17th, 1999.

The Universe is so full of wonder.  I am continually amazed at the mysteries and the powerful energies beyond our comprehension, aren't you?



  1. I love this! I'm so glad you get these signs from your mom. Even better that you had time to talk before she passed. I've heard others say they receive other signs from their deceased parents.

    BTW, not 5 minutes ago, I found a dime in a little used purse. All my other coins were in their proper place. A sign that your thoughts were coming?

    1. Thanks for your affirmation Marjie. I do wonder what that dime in your purse means..... it will come to us...... definitely a sign of something concerning our connection to each other. Perhaps it's pointing to our learning together about things on a higher consciousness level. Let's see what comes to us........

  2. Joan - I too loved this particular blog. I believe in the afterlife and I am certain that, if she is able, your mother is indeed sending signs. Good luck with your medical test! You will be fine, because you HAVE to be! Have a great weekend! Alisa

    1. Thank you so much Alisa. What a supportive group of friends I have!! My doctor is out on Fridays so I must wait. UGH. It is what it is...... Enjoy the spectacular weather we're expecting tomorrow!!

  3. It is so great to read about your experience and how you pay attention to these messages from heaven! I believe this is possible and it is a great connection. Wonderful!
    ~ Carla

  4. I love the post Joan! It's pennies for me. Always when I don't expect them. It's comforting to know that our loved ones still keep a watchful eye on us.

    1. Ahhh...... "Pennies from Heaven" for you. It is indeed a comfort. Do you "hear" a comment (message) in your head when you find one Helen?
