Friday, October 10, 2014


Happily enjoying my "retirement", the extra time allows me to be a member of 3 Book Clubs, one of which I host in my home monthly - 5 girls from High School (we graduated almost 45 years ago!!), 2 from my National Sorority Alumni Group (both are younger and bring a fresh viewpoint) and one good friend I worked with for over 25 years (who is 8 years older). I love that we span "generations" for our "intellectual discussions". It really adds so much perspective. 
Ok, so maybe the wine helps too........

Last month we read "THE GOLDFINCH" by Donna Tartt and we ALL REALLY loved it (afterall, the book IS a PULITZER PRIZE WINNER!!). I would have to say it's now one of my favorite books of all time - her writing style is truly remarkable. 

We unanimously decided our next book should be "THE SECRET HISTORY" (1992), Donna Tartt's first of 3 published books. She started writing it when she was a student at Bennington College in Vermont (studying the Classics), publishing it when she was only 28 years old (with a $450,000 advance). Incredible!!


At first I just "liked" "THE SECRET HISTORY" - didn't "love" it and was giving it a "7 out of 10". But after our discussion last night and my thinking and reading more about it, I'm becoming even more intrigued with the story and would move that to an "8 out of 10".  I do LOVE her writing style. I marvel at her ability to draw you into the story, as if you are right there with the characters - all of whom were extremely well developed by the way. Her vocabulary is perfect - not over my head and not trite.

I found it kind of unbelievable however, that these college kids would get trashed for an ancient "ritual", would brutally kill an innocent bystander and would not think much of it, except for the fear of getting caught. They then turn around and push their friend off a cliff without serious remorse. How could (5) young people be that deranged together? It disturbed me. Interestingly, MANY 15-year-old students were reading the book when it was first published and it became almost a cult classic.

One of the Book Clubbers mentioned that she'd like to read it again, feeling that she might gain more from it the second-time-around. At that moment I didn't agree, but when I woke this morning I changed my mind.

Every one of us came away from "THE SECRET HISTORY" wanting to know more about the author, and why she wrote two books that are "on the dark side". Petite Donna Tartt, 50 yrs old, continues to live a very private life.  Just look at how stunning she is!  

I found an interview with Donna written by a friend of hers from Bennington College. Would you enjoy listening to an interview with Donna Tartt about this novel on the BBC? I loved it because it's nice to put a voice/energy with the face, isn't it? 

What follows are a few brief comments about "THE SECRET HISTORY" from members of this and another monthly Book Club that I attend at WELLINGTON SQUARE BOOKSHOP in Exton, PA.  I highly recommend this Bookshop AND their Book Clubs!!

  • KAREN - "The Secret History is a very well-written book that is easy to read, yet complex enough to be interesting.  Donna Tartt uses such detailed descriptions of events and characters that they become real and vivid.  I felt immersed in the story and I felt that I knew the characters as real individuals. The story line was dark, disturbing, and almost without a ray of hope.  Yet, I feel that it was all believable, and I was intrigued enough to want to know more."
  • MARY ANN - "I love the way she has such a wonderful command of the English language. The storyline kept my interest from the very first page."
  • JOELLEN - "Character (Protagonist) seems to place himself in an untenable position, similar to protagonist in The Goldfinch.  Sleeping in a barn with a hole in the roof/almost dying as character in Goldfinch does with the drugs. Does not have a relationship with his family (this too parallels Goldfinch) however does have opportunities to be with people who appear to not live such dysfunctional lives, but chooses not to go there. Book however, keeps me very interested and not wanting to put it down. I appreciate her writing style and though at times the scenarios are frustrating they keep me interested." 
  • KERRI"I really enjoyed it.  It is dark and disturbing like The Goldfinch but I found myself not able to put it down."
  • DONNA"I thought it was interesting and I wanted to stay with it and see what happened.  I was impressed with how she wove in information on Greek literature, etc. (it made me think she was really smart!).  But overall, I didn't Love it.  I feel like her characters need to be taught a lesson and she never teaches them a lesson.
  • JUDY"I, too, found the characters to be morally bankrupt and had a really hard time relating. The whole crew just seemed too contrived. Love her writing, she puts things together so seamlessly but her characters leave me cold."
  • LISA"I gave this an eight out of ten because the writing was so good and the story kept me intrigued. That being said, I did think the whole thing was a little far fetched. Even if one could believe that the group of friends could kill and be so cavalier about it, I doubt they would all be on board to kill one of their own so easily. I also doubt that their teacher would keep their secret. I would read anything by this author because she writes so well, but I would not read this book again."



  1. A really interesting review Joan. I loved this book so much but read it about ten years ago now. I feel I should re-read it to see if I still feel the same. The Goldfinch is definitely next on my list. Have you read 'The Little Friend'? I was so intrigued the whole way through and then felt very let down at the end. I'd love to hear your opinion, and that of your book group!

    1. We/I have not read "The Little Friend", although I imagine I will someday, but not in the near future. We have our books planned out several months in advance for 2 of the Book Clubs. I loved, loved, loved "The Goldfinch", perhaps because I love art so much - not sure. Her last 150 pages I had to reread because I was so impressed with how she made me feel while reading it. Thank you for appreciating my post.

  2. Enjoying your book reviews Joan. I think I'm in your online book club because now I want to read this and I've already read another of your suggestions :) I legally enjoyed Goldfinch and will put this on my reading list.

    1. Thank you Emily. I'm glad that our book-reading taste is aligning......

  3. Interesting how our opinions can change when we investigate subject further... Thanks for a thoughtful review, Joan :-)
    being in a book club sounds fun!

    1. Book Clubs - love them! And each is different - the dynamics and the personalities. So interesting. Opens your mind to other ways of looking at things too. Thanks for taking the time to read my post, Anya!!
