Tuesday, February 17, 2015


I promised a video taken from the PREDJAMA CASTLE window, didn't I? Promises are often hard to keep, but this was an easy one.  

It was cloudy and drizzly outside and inside the stone castle it was naturally quite cold and damp. After walking up and down many levels inside, seeing torture rooms and all, I stopped at an open space and looked out over the countryside and was taken by its natural beauty. I wanted to capture not only the landscape, but also the "babbling brook" below.  Don't you love the term "babbling brook"???  Who the heck came up with that anyway???  

While I was filming, I heard a bell ring.  I smiled.  And then another bell ring. I nodded my head. Because at that moment I KNEW it was a "HELLO" message from my Mom and my Dad (who send me messages from Heaven on a fairly regular basis - and have done so over the past 15 years). It just makes me smile to know that they are still always with me and have figured out a way to let my heart know it.  

You'll need to be in a quiet space to hear it, but I hope it makes you smile too.........

BTW, we were there for over an hour and the only time that bell rang was during the 26 seconds that I was filming.  That's how KNOW!!



  1. How wonderful Joan! They are always with you, for sure. What a beautiful little video. It looks like such a peaceful place. ~ Carla

    1. Thanks Carla. I'm not happy with the quality of the video uploaded to my Blog, but have fielded a question out to my Blog Class Instructor to see how I can improve for the future....... It was a special moment.

  2. Joan - video wasn't that bad the firsst time. My problem is I can't understand wat he's saying. our guide didn't speak English? It is a beautiful place. Mayabe someday after I win the lottery!

    1. Hi Libby, No one was saying anything on the video - it was just the water running in the creek...... are you sure you saw the right video?? Did you expand to full screen?

  3. Messages and special moments happen all the time, we just need to be listening ... ox

    1. I knew you'd KNOW that....... thanks for the confirmation Cathy. xoxo
