Sunday, February 1, 2015


The house sure was quiet on Thursday morning without WILLOW around.  Even if she's sleeping, I feel her energy and without her, it was so still........

No worries - it's nothing serious. THANK GOD for educated medical professionals. My sister's dog RUBY had to see a Dermatologist several years ago. I knew there were specialists for dogs/cats/horses and other critters, but before Ruby's experience I had never really given it any thought that there would be a need for a dermatologist.  But why wouldn't there be?

For the past 3 years WILLOW (she's only 4) has been scratching off and on, so my trusted Vet, DR. DAVE suggested it was probably seasonal outdoor allergies - treatable but not curable. Over a year ago he recommended that we try a drug called Atopica - daily pill at $6/day (regularly used by Vet Dermatologists to reduce itching). After a year and still some intermittent scratching I started questioning it. Basically I just don't like pharmaceuticals and prefer to avoid them if possible (for both myself AND my dogs). If there is a more "organic" way to treat something I prefer to go that route. So, I asked DR. DAVE if we could try something different.... blah blah blah..... which led to my decision to take her to a VET DERMATOLOGIST for a consultation. And we're off!

Jane's poor dog Ruby was diagnosed with skin cancer during her visit, so I was ready for anything (ok, I was worried.....). Thankfully it's just a large variety of allergies (trees, grasses, weeds, molds) for my precious WILLOW.

Under light anesthesia, 66 allergens were tested and we have now entered the world of me giving her allergy shots!! I gave the first shot yesterday and I was TERRIBLE - I put the needle in, she jerked, I reacted by pulling it out....... put it right back in, but the plunger was already pressed - so..... I have to wonder, did the serum go in the first time or did I accidentally press the plunger when I pulled it out, thus putting the serum into the air (or her hair)??

I'm resolved that I CAN DO THIS!!!

Shots every other day for a month and it eventually spreads out to every 3 weeks, just in time for my 3 week trip to Europe in May.  Phew!



  1. Replies
    1. Yeah...... with ear drops twice a day for a month, ear wash twice a week, a bath every week, a shot every other day, she's really "going through it" isn't she?!

    2. Poor Willow girl. Glad she's off the Atopica. I think I read on a setter page that it's a bad drug.for dogs. You're not going to have an easy couple of weeks. I hope the next shot experience is better than the first. Rather you than I; don't think I could give a needle. Sending doggie zen from Derry.

    3. Thank you for the doggie zen Derry (and Libby)!! Next shot is tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
